The Predicament Wrestling Scorebook
$18.00 - $20.00
All of our wrestling scorebooks include:
Attractive, untearable, front and back, red poly covers for good looks and durability. Crush proof, plastic, shape retaining, spiral binding so pages won?t tear out and for durability. 15 inches wide by 10.5 inches tall to avoid cramped spaces when recording information. Detailed instruction pages on current scoring rules to help train your scorekeepers faster. Large, detailed, seeding meeting win-loss percentage chart. Excellent, season totals? summary forms for both team and individual wrestlers. Chart to record each wrestling referee?s name, city, and ability rating for future reference. Chart to record names and telephone numbers for calling-in team scores and results to the news media.
Form B has spaces for scoring 15 wrestling matches on each page. Each of the 30 scoring lines include spaces to list the weight class, opponent?s name, grade, school, injury time, recovery time, blood time, red or green ankle band, 1st period scoring, whose 2nd period choice, 2nd period starting position, 2nd period scoring, 3rd period starting position, 3rd period scoring, riding time, overtime periods of sudden victory, tie breaker 1, tie breaker 2, final tie breaker if needed, match score, and running team score. One wrestler has a white background and the opponent has a shaded background to easily differentiate between them. A scoring symbol glossary is also included on each Form B. After the match is completed, transfer all Form B match information to the next open match line on that wrestler?s Form C.
Form C has 33 match summary lines per page so each wrestler gets their own two pages to chronologically list match opponents and results and statistics in up to 66 matches as the season progresses. Excellent for tournament seeding meetings and for end of year totals. Keep stats like an accountant.
Form D is the Wrestlers? Season Totals Summary Form. After the season is completed, transfer the season totals from the bottom of each wrestler?s Form C to their own line of Form D. These individual wrestler totals added up on Form D will then give you your team totals for the season.
Form E is a spreadsheet format for summarizing up to 9 dual meets per page.
Form F will summarize team scores and wrestler placings in up to 4 tournaments per page.
Form B has spaces for scoring 15 wrestling matches on each page. Each of the 30 scoring lines include spaces to list the weight class, opponent?s name, grade, school, injury time, recovery time, blood time, red or green ankle band, 1st period scoring, whose 2nd period choice, 2nd period starting position, 2nd period scoring, 3rd period starting position, 3rd period scoring, riding time, overtime periods of sudden victory, tie breaker 1, tie breaker 2, final tie breaker if needed, match score, and running team score. One wrestler has a white background and the opponent has a shaded background to easily differentiate between them. A scoring symbol glossary is also included on each Form B. After the match is completed, transfer all Form B match information to the next open match line on that wrestler?s Form C.
Form C has 33 match summary lines per page so each wrestler gets their own two pages to chronologically list match opponents and results and statistics in up to 66 matches as the season progresses. Excellent for tournament seeding meetings and for end of year totals. Keep stats like an accountant.
Form D is the Wrestlers? Season Totals Summary Form. After the season is completed, transfer the season totals from the bottom of each wrestler?s Form C to their own line of Form D. These individual wrestler totals added up on Form D will then give you your team totals for the season.
Form E is a spreadsheet format for summarizing up to 9 dual meets per page.
Form F will summarize team scores and wrestler placings in up to 4 tournaments per page.